Friday, 20 June 2014

Training Doberman Puppies To Be Good Dogs

If you want a dog that will keep intruders away from your property and protect your home, and you also want a good family pet, a doberman is a good choice for both. Dobermans are naturally a very protective breed when it comes to defending their territory. They are also loving and playful, which makes them a good choice for people with children. You can find doberman puppies for sale by searching in pet stores, or looking through local advertisements.

When training doberman puppies, in order to get the best results, it is important to expose them to a variety of different situations, so you can teach them the proper way to react in any circumstance. Taking your dog on a walk to the park, for example, presents various opportunities for training. You can observe how your puppy interacts around other dogs, other people, and other animals like squirrels or ducks. If necessary, you can correct negative behavior, while also rewarding good behavior.  It is  important to expose doberman pups to a variety of social situations, especially situations where the dog is expected to stay quiet and still. This is good practice for the doberman, and over time, the puppy will develop the skills necessary to sit still even when there are distractions like food, toys, or other animals.

Cute doberman puppy on isolated background
If you want your purebred doberman puppy to be friendly with people he encounters as an adult, it is important to expose him to as many different people as you can while he is still a puppy. Just about everyone loves a puppy, so this shouldn't be difficult! If you walk your dog down a busy street, you will no doubt meet many people who will want to come up and pet and play with your doberman. Try your best to expose the dog to people of all races and ages, so he will be friendly toward everyone.

To help your puppy deal with separation anxiety, try leaving your dog tied up outside a store for a short time, while you go inside to shop. This way, he will learn that even when you go away, you will always come back. Seeing you walk away and then return will help him to develop trust in you, and help alleviate his stress.

Exposing your pup to loud noises and busy streets is a good idea while he is still young. If your dog is easily frightened, introduce him to these situations slowly. Assure him that he is safe by getting down on his level. You can also pick him up if he is still a small puppy. Noises like trains, big trucks, or thunder can all frighten pups that haven't been around these things before. Getting them accustomed to busy activity and loud noises by gradually introducing them to new environments will help them feel comfortable in any situation.

The key to having a well adjusted, trustworthy dobermann is good training. The amount of time you spend training your puppy, and the quality of training you give him, will determine the kind of dog he grows up to be. If you want a friendly, loving dog, socialize him well when he is young. Above all else, make sure that you have fun and positive experiences with your dog, so that you can both learn to enjoy each other. Then you will be sure to share a warm companionship for years to come!

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